SSEN Transmission confirms no significant design change to proposed Fanellan substation

Community engagement

  • No significant change to the design and footprint of the permanent substation that was outlined to residents and the public last year. 

SSEN Transmission has provided reassurance that plans for a proposed substation site at Fanellan remain in line with those previously outlined to local residents.  

It follows recent media reports highlighting misconceptions over the scale of the development, following the submission of a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) which allows for both permanent design and temporary requirements during the construction phase. 

The company has clarified that the boundary outlined in the PAN includes all potential temporary construction works and permanent landscaping – with no significant change to the design and footprint of the permanent substation that was outlined to residents and the public last year. 

Ross McKay, Senior Development Project Manager said: “As part of our commitment to providing clarity to the local community, it’s important that we address misconceptions that have arisen regarding our plans.  

“Like all developers, SSEN Transmission is required to submit a PAN to the appropriate planning authority for large infrastructure projects providing a general development area, known as the PAN boundary. 

“As well as the actual substation site footprint, the boundary includes all other potential site requirements, for example temporary site compounds, material storage, site access and parking. 

“Many of these requirements are temporary during the construction phase and will be permanently removed upon completion of the project. As such, the boundary doesn’t represent the permanent footprint of the substation itself but indicates the potential full development area.  

“This remains under development and will be subject to further design and refinement ahead of presentation at the second consultation event scheduled for the summer and submission as a planning application. 

“The design for the permanent site at Fanellan is in line with what we have consulted on with the local community already. We remain focused on minimising temporary construction and permanent operational impacts on residents and remain committed to ongoing consultation with the local community as we continue to develop this project. 

“Statutory pre-application consultation events will take place in Kiltarlity and Beauly in late March where residents will have the opportunity to discuss the plans further.”