SSEN Transmission has the expertise to deliver safe, secure and reliable projects, like the Spittal to Beauly 400kV overhead line


Note: First published as a letter in the Press and Journal on 17 April 2024, in response to a letter to the editor.

At SSEN Transmission, we take safety, security and our obligation to consult with stakeholders very seriously. We pride ourselves on the extensive engagement activity that we carry out at all stages of our critical national infrastructure projects.

Our consultation on the Spittal to Beauly overhead line project has so far seen us establish route options, taking on board valuable feedback from the local community, landowners and key agencies.

We will be submitting our environmental impact assessment scoping request to the Energy Consents Unit (ECU) in the coming weeks, and they will invite formal feedback directly from statutory stakeholders, including the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in response to it.

In addition, once the project moves to the route alignment stage, more information about the potential tower positions will be presented and further consultations will be carried out with stakeholders and communities.

Once our Section 37 application is submitted for determination by the ECU, ministers will again formally consult the MoD and other stakeholders as part of their deliberation process.

If there are any concerns raised by the MoD, we'll work with them to mitigate those concerns wherever possible. There will also be an opportunity for communities, landowners and statutory agencies to submit their response to the proposals as part of the formal Section 37 application process.

We've been building and operating transmission infrastructure for decades and have the expertise, understanding and knowledge to deliver projects like Spittal to Beauly in a way that is safe, secure and reliable. We're continuing to welcome feedback on the projects currently in consultation via our website.

Peter McKessick

Head of Development, SSEN Transmission.