Why do we engage with customers?

Sharing information and expertise and having regular dialogue and engagement with our customers helps us to identify how we can improve the speed and quality of service we provide. This enables us to work collaboratively, proactively anticipate and address potential challenges and minimise inefficiencies. Collaboration also enables us to improve grid reliability and our understanding of future demand and generation on our network.

…Which also unlocks wider societal benefits: more reliable, clean energy for consumers, smoothing the transition to a low-carbon, low-cost economy. Working together supports the development of more efficient energy solutions using a whole system approach.

Our commitments

We cater to customer preferences for communication and topics of interest:

We recognise the breadth of new and experienced customers and tailor our service delivery methods to suit, making sure each customer can access the knowledge and support they need to fully understand what they can expect from us, and what is expected from them. We provide clear and understandable content to explain both our role and mission, and broader complex industry challenges.

We are transparent and open with our customers: We share our long-term plans and provide timely notice of short-term challenges that may impact their development. We are also clear about how these may affect each customer.

We encourage open dialogue, gather insights and seek feedback to improve:

We create opportunities for open dialogue about customer challenges, trends, and needs. We continuously collect and implement customer feedback, reporting back how this feedback has or has not been used. We utilise the insights gained from our customers to continuously improve their experience with us.

We intend to make our commitments real, through our: 

Relationship owners and regular interactions: Each transmission customer has a dedicated relationship manager who understands the nature of their project(s) and tailors their engagement to the customer’s needs. They are available to organise and facilitate regular meetings, capture feedback, provide updates on our projects and services, and act as the first point of contact for any queries or concerns via telephone or email.

Feedback Loops:

We gather regular feedback through surveys conducted via email and telephone, both at key project milestones and annually, with the option for customers to respond anonymously. Updates on how this feedback has helped inform and shape changes are shared with customers through their relationship manager.

Knowledge sharing forums:

We will hold knowledge-sharing sessions at the local and regional level and participate in sessions at a national level to understand the challenges our customers experience within the energy industry.

What success looks like

We would like customers to:

Our ask of customers is to:

  • Be aware of our obligations so that they are empowered to hold us to account on these, and our commitments and service level agreements.

  • Feel engaged, supported and confident in the level and quality of service we provide.
  • Share their future plans and potential barriers that will help to inform and improve our service delivery.