
Strengthening our approach

Urgent action is needed to address the climate crisis. At SSEN Transmission, we are already playing a vital role in decarbonising the UK’s energy system, connecting renewable energy to our network to power growing demand for clean electricity. Enabling decarbonisation is our most material topic and the area where we can and do have the greatest impacts.

We also recognise that we have a responsibility to reduce our own carbon emissions as much as possible, whilst we deliver our overarching aim of a network for net zero.

We were the first networks company to set a science based target to reduce our own emissions in line witha 1.5° warming limit. Since then, we have led innovative work to trial alternatives to insulation and interruption gases like sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) which have a major impact on climate change, and we have worked with our supply chain to encourage them to adopt science based targets.

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We are committed to reducing our emissions in line with the Paris Agreement. Our work to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions mean that we have already decoupled these emissions from the growth of our network. We recognise that our Scope 3 emissions are likely to increase as we grow the network, but we will work in partnership with our supply chain to realise emissions reduction opportunities wherever we can.

Finally, as the impacts of climate change are increasingly felt around the world, we will strengthen our approach to climate risk, resilience and adaptation.

Our Priorities