As a generation developer in the north of Scotland, you need to make an application for network connection, at voltages of 132kV and above, directly to National Grid Electricity System Operator (NESO).
NESO, in turn, makes an application to us asking us to specify the most economic and efficient design for your development and provide costs for the completion of necessary work.
Detailed guidelines on how we jointly process your application with NESO are documented in the System Operator Transmission Owner Code (STC) under procedure STCP18-2 Use of System Application. For further information please visit:
System Operator Transmission Owner Code (STC) | National Grid ESO
In January 2025, the National Energy System Operator (NESO) introduced a temporary pause in connection applications. This pause aims to deliver a stable foundation for implementing its new connections process, subject to Ofgem approval. It will allow customers time to have a signed offer in place when the implementation stage of the process begins. Consequently, new connection applications are not being accepted at present. Visit NESO’s Transition to Connections Reform for further information, and learn more about the pause in applications in NESO’s FAQ document.