Transitional Offers

To manage the growing contracted background and bridge the gap between the current connections offer process and the implementation of the proposed new connections process (which is subject to Ofgem approval), Transitional Offers have been implemented.  

Phase 1 of Transitional Offers focuses on new directly connected transmission applications. Phase 2 will focus on modification applications, embedded generation agreements and project progressions. Learn more below.

a cable is being laid in the water

Transitional Offers is being implemented in two phases, as set out below:

Phase 1  

On 21 August 2024 Ofgem published its decision in support of Transitional Offers. From 02 September 2024, applications submitted for directly connected transmission connections will receive a transitional offer. 

Transitional Offers will contain an indicative connection date and indicative connection location. Transitional Offers won’t include details of transmission works or associated securities and appendices will not be populated (except confirming Connection Entry Capacity and Transmission Entry Capacity). 

Customers with a Transitional Offer will be able to apply for a full offer in the proposed new connections process (subject to Ofgem approval) provided they achieve the relevant criteria. 

Phase 2 

The transitional arrangements for modification applications, embedded generation agreements and project progressions will be set out in a separate letter to Ofgem for their decision. Arrangements for a cutover period between Transitional Offers and the implementation of the proposed new connections process will also be set out in this letter.  

Phase 2 is subject to Ofgem approval and will be confirmed following Ofgem’s decision.  

Learn more on ESO's website