Regional Fund Application Form

Please submit your application before the deadline
The deadline for submitting your online application to our Regional Fund is Friday 22 November 2024.

Funding request values
Please note that the minimum funding application request amount is £40,000. For any applications exceeding £100,000, we kindly ask that you contact our team directly before completing the online application process.


When completing this application form, please only submit relevant information. Please do not include any sensitive personal information.

Privacy Notice
For information on how we collect and process your data, please see our privacy notice. If you do not have access to our website, or would like to receive a hard copy, please contact us.

By submitting this application form to SSEN Transmission you certify that the information contained in this application is correct and that you are authorised to make this application on behalf of your organisation. You also understand that decisions made by the review panel are final.
Does your application meet the fund's eligibility criteria?
Do you have your documentation ready to upload as part of your application?

Please note:
Your application cannot be saved part-way through, so please ensure you allow enough time and have all information to hand before starting your application.

Section 1: About your organisation 

Let's begin your funding application by telling us more about you and your organisation.

If you are a registered charity in Scotland, the OSCR website can provide you with your registered charity number, registered address and information about the charity objectives. 

Does your organisation have at least three unrelated people serving on the management committee/board?
Does your organisation require membership?

Section 2: Financial information

Now, we have some financial questions to ask as part of your funding application:


Were you in a surplus or defecit in the last accounting year?

Section 3: Grant application

Now, help us understand the project you are looking for the SSEN Transmission Regional Fund to support:

Guidance note:
Where possible, please support your response with local evidence, such as NOMIS/local labour market statistics, Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation data, or Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics.

Guidance note:

  • Outcomes should reflect the economic, social, and/or environmental benefits or changes your project aims to achieve.
  • Ensure your outcomes are clear, specific, realistic, measurable, and achievable.
  • The outcomes should logically align with the needs gap you’ve identified.
  • Please limit your outcomes to a manageable number (we suggest no more than 5).

Guidance note: 

  • How they have participated in the development of the project?
  • How they have demonstrated support for the project (e.g., through consultations, letters of support, surveys, local fundraising, etc.)?
  • How they will be involved in the implementation of the project?

For substantial capital and revenue projects, we would expect feasibility studies and business plans to be included as evidence of deliverability

We'd like you tell us more information about other sources of funding you have applied for.

Has this funding been confirmed?
Has this funding been confirmed?
Has this funding been confirmed?
Has this funding been confirmed?

Section 4: Compliance Checklist

Please confirm that you meet the following requirements by selecting 'yes' to each question below:

We have appropriate procedures in place to carry out our project safely
I can confirm the organisation has at least three unrelated people serving on the management committee/board.
I can confirm this project does not require retrospective funding
If requested, I could provide the details of an independent referee
I can confirm that any level of salary paid is at, or greater than, the Living Wage

Section 5: Upload your documents

We're almost there. Please now upload the following documents as part of your application: