The NOA CMP aims to help resolve GB system wide constraints by introducing a post-fault generation turn down service which can resolve network congestion on the transmission network at the time of a network fault. This is to help provide GB consumer value by allowing more power flow on the circuits pre-fault which would otherwise be turned down by the Electricity National Control Centre (ENCC). There are high constraint costs currently seen and forecasted for the B6 boundary between Scotland and England, and CMP 2023-24 is helping to resolve these constraints ahead of network reinforcement.
For CMP 2023-24, the NESO launched the EOI in March 2021 with a window of 6 weeks for parties to register their interest. SSEN Transmission and SPT then undertook a feasibility study from June - July 2021 to confirm capability and costs associated with connecting the interested parties to the B6 OTS. Following a feasibility and assessment process the NESO requested we design and build additional a number of intertrip links.
In January 2025 we have submitted a funding request to Ofgem under the Medium Sized Investment Project (MSIP) mechanism. Some information has been redacted due for security, confidentiality or commercially sensitivity reasons.
B6 Pathfinder MSIP Submission
B6 Pathfinder MSIP Submission.pdf
- Type:
- Date:
- 07 February 2025
- Size:
- 2 MB
This document forms our funding request to Ofgem for the B6 pathfinder project, detailing the identified network need, proposed solution, and costs necessary to ensure successful project delivery.