Highland Council approves Tomatin substation proposal

Tomatin substation

This video provides a fly-through visualisation of the proposed Tomatin substation.

Project Manager for Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks, Simon Robertson, said: “We welcome today’s decision by the Highland Council to approve our planning application for Tomatin substation. As a responsible developer we have gone through a rigorous development process, taking into account a range of technical, environmental and economic considerations. Feedback from the local community played an important part in the identification of a suitable location and design, which has been carefully designed to minimise the visual impact of the development in the surrounding area. We will now engage further with the council to address the conditions attached to the consent and are fully committed to keep the local community and other interested parties updated as we prepare for the construction phase.”


For more information on the Knocknagael-Tomatin project, please visit the dedicated page: http://www.ssen-transmission.co.uk/projects/knocknagael-tomatin