We’ve changed to better support our customers’ needs

Our new brand - Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks

From today the trading name of the electricity network operator for the north of Scotland and central southern England is Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks.

The new name unifies what was Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution (SSEPD) and its businesses Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution (SHEPD), Southern Electric Power Distribution (SEPD) and Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission (SHE Transmission).

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is still part of the SSE group. The change has been made to make it easy for customers to know who their network operator is, while continuing to provide a clear business separation between the energy company’s Network operations and its Supply and Wholesale business units, as outlined in Ofgem's regulatory framework.

In support of the change in trading name, we’ve adopted a new brand logo, colours and the strap line ‘powering our community’, which makes it clear to customers what drives us as a business. Customers will start to see the new Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks brand on company assets such as vehicles, substations and site locations from today.

The move is more than just a name change, as Managing Director of Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks, Colin Nicol, explains:

“There is a growing requirement for service providers, such as Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks, to improve the way we engage with our customers, communities and stakeholders. Feedback told us our old branding was confusing and often hindered this objective.

“By bringing all of our businesses under one identity we’re making it easier for customers to recognise us; to know who we are and what we do. Ultimately, this is about simplifying and enhancing the way we communicate with our customers, how they in turn can talk to us and help continually improve our service.

“Our customers rely on us to power their lives and their communities, and our new brand will help them better understand our purpose, and provide reassurance that we will be there - day and night - to support them.”

The strength of the new Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks name and brand builds on its 70-year heritage while aiming to bring a clearer understanding of the business as it operates today.

In addition, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is supporting today’s launch of the new 105 single emergency number; a new free-to-dial nationwide number for customers to call when there is a power cut or electrical emergency, no matter where they live in England, Scotland or Wales.