£3m investment to reinforce Dundee electricity transmission network

A 52-year old cable which connects Dudhope and Glenagnes substations is being replaced by Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) as part of a £3m investment to reinforce the high-voltage electricity transmission network in Dundee.

The 132kV cable, which was initially installed in 1965, will be replaced with two new cables, each over 1 mile long. The installation of the secondary cable will provide greater network resilience and security, further strengthening the electricity network for homes and businesses across Dundee.

To minimise disruption throughout the installation process, SSEN will use the existing conduits and pull the cables between five open excavations before connecting the cables together. To ensure the works are carried out as safely as possible, traffic management systems and footpath diversions will be put in place.

SSEN Project Manager, Les McLaughlin, explains more: “Our first priority is to provide a safe and reliable supply of electricity for our customers and this investment will result in a more robust network, keeping the lights on for homes and businesses in the city.

“As we are working in the heart of the city on one of its busiest roads, we were keen to come up with a solution that would minimise any disruption to local residents and businesses. By utilising the existing infrastructure under the streets, we are able to pull the new cables through open excavations which will greatly reduce the impact on local residents, businesses and road users.

“Where road restrictions cannot be avoided, we have put in place traffic management plans to keep disruption to a minimum and I would like to thank local residents and road users in advance of the works for their patience and understanding.”

Works will begin on 6 March 2017 and are expected to conclude by the end of August 2017, with no planned interruptions to customers’ electricity supply. During this time, traffic management systems will be put in place at the five excavation sites, as follows:

Joint Bay 1/2: A923 Lochee Road (6 March 2017 - 24 August 2017)
The A923 will be narrowed in two locations to accommodate a diverted footpath. The road will remain open to traffic which will be passable with care.

Joint Bay 2/3: A923 Lochee Road (13th March 2017 - 24 August 2017)
An excavation located in the road will impact traffic turning left into Polepark Road from the City Centre. Traffic lights will be in place to safely accommodate single direction traffic.

Joint Bay 3/4: Fleuchar Street (20 March 2017 – 24 August 2017)
A road closure will be required as the excavation will take up a large section of the narrow public road. There will be a short diversion around the excavation of 0.3 miles which will take approximately one minute by car. Local access for residents, pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained whilst the excavation is open.

Joint Bay 4/5: Scott Street (27 March 2017 – 24 August 2017)
There is a requirement to divert an existing gas pipe ahead of the cable installation works which will result in a full road closure being in place for approximately 4 weeks, between 27 March and 24 April 2017. There will be a short diversion of 0.5 miles which will take approximately two minutes by car. Local access for residents, pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained during the works. When the gas pipe has been relocated, the road will be opened to a single lane.

Transition Joint Bay: Glenagnes Road (3 April 2017 – 24 August 2017)
The final excavation will be located on the main road across from the Junction at Logie Avenue. The road is wide enough that traffic will be able to pass the works with measures being in place to protect the public and workforce during the works.