SSEN encourages responses to future transmission connection consultation as deadline fast approaches

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) is encouraging residents across Orkney to respond to its consultation on a future transmission connection between Orkney and the Scottish mainland. The consultation remains open until the end of March and the views of consultation respondents will help inform the next steps and future development of the project.

A number of consultation events were held late February and early March in locations across Orkney with over 300 local residents attending the events. By consulting early on the proposed transmission connection, SSEN is providing the general public an opportunity to shape the design of the project from the initial planning stage and would encourage anyone with an interest to let their views be known before the consultation deadline of 31 March 2017.

Project Development Manager Warren Jones said:

“We would like to thank everyone who took the time to attend our consultation events and all those who have subsequently provided formal feedback.

““As a responsible developer, the views of the local community are an important consideration in the development of our projects and we would encourage anyone with an interest in the proposed transmission connection to use the opportunity to let us know their thoughts, which will help inform the development of the project, including the potential options for reinforcement and connection.”

The proposed transmission connection is required to accommodate a combination of tidal and onshore wind energy generation projects in Orkney, as well as providing additional capacity to support existing connections on the local distribution network. SSEN’s plans are focused on a cable connection between Caithness and a new substation site which is being sought in the Stenness or Orphir areas. This would be connected to a further central substation site which would need to be identified in the vicinity of Finstown.

A UK Government consultation on the future treatment of non-mainland onshore wind projects closed on 31 January 2017 and confirmation of policy for these generators is expected in the coming months. Any changes in the current contracted position of generators may impact on the design and ultimate need for the proposed reinforcement.

To find out more about the project, including how to provide feedback to the consultation, please visit the project webpage.