SSEN Transmission supports Shetland Renewables Supply Chain Event


On Thursday last week, representatives from SSEN’s Transmission Development Team supported a renewables focused supply chain event and networking lunch organised by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) in Lerwick. Around 80 representatives from local businesses attended the event to find out further information about the expected economic and social opportunities that proposed renewable projects could bring to Shetland should developers be successful in bidding into next year’s CfD auction.

Shetland is not currently connected to the main GB transmission system and operates as an islanded network, where the islands’ electricity needs are met from local generation.  As there is no capacity to connect new electricity generation the network, a new link to the mainland is required to enable renewable generators seeking to connect on Shetland to export electricity to the GB market.

In October this year, SSEN submitted a Strategic Wider Works (SWW) ‘Final Needs Case’ to Ofgem for a subsea cable transmission link from the Shetland Isles to the Scottish mainland. SSEN’s proposed solution, which is subject to developer commitment, planning consents and regulatory approval, would deliver a single 600MW subsea circuit from Kergord on Shetland to Noss Head in Caithness on the Scottish mainland, connecting into the Caithness-Moray transmission link which is currently under construction.

Daryn Lucas, Lead Project Manager for the Shetland Transmission Reinforcement stated:

“SSEN was pleased to support the Shetland Renewables Supply Chain Event, which provided an opportunity for local businesses to find out further information about potential opportunities that could arise through Shetland’s proposed renewable developments and associated transmission reinforcements. We welcomed the opportunity to engage with attendees and answer questions regarding the needs case process and would encourage all local contractors who are interested in potential opportunities with SSEN to sign up for project updates on our Shetland webpage.”

For more information on the Shetland Transmission project, or to sign up for project updates please visit: