Transmission Connection Process Consultation Document

As part of preparations for the next price control period, RIIO-T2, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks’ (SSEN) Transmission business has launched a public consultation seeking stakeholder views and suggestions on the way it engages with connection applicants during the development of offers and contracts for connection to our network.

The Transmission Connections Process consultation document will be used to influence and improve our processes for how we engage with customers, to enable the connection of their projects to our network during the next price control in the 2020s, and invites suggestions from key stakeholders as to how we can improve the customer journey.

As well as seeking feedback on the way we do things, the document also outlines our process for progressing offers to customers seeking connection to our Transmission network in the north of mainland Scotland and the Scottish islands; including a step by step guide of our connection process which new generation and demand customers follow when applying for new connections. The document also highlights the key parties involved in the process and the interdependent relationships and responsibilities.

Alex Stuart, Transmission Connections Manager, said:

“The Transmission Connections Process consultation is a key piece of work for SSEN Transmission as we prepare for our future network in the 2020s and beyond. Meaningful stakeholder engagement and positive customer relations are vital as we enable connection and access to a robust and sustainable network of the future, and we welcome all feedback and suggestions as to where we could improve our processes for the benefit of our customers.”

“All feedback received through the consultation will be used to inform our RIIO-T2 business plan which will guide SSEN Transmission’s processes, objectives and priorities from 2021 onwards.”

To download the Transmission Connections Process Consultation and for further information on SSEN Transmission’s RIIO-T2 work stream please visit:

The deadline for feedback is 21st December 2018.

