Blog: Powering a regulatory framework that delivers for everyone

A blog by David Gardner, Director of Transmission

Every successful, efficient and responsible business creates and works to a business plan to meet its objectives and deliver for customers – and SSEN is no different.

As a regulated and regionally-defined business, the framework that oversees how we operate is closely scrutinised through what’s known as a ‘Price Control’ under Ofgem’s RIIO regulatory model. Essentially, this is our regulated contract with Ofgem and our customers; influenced and led directly by feedback from all of our key stakeholders in the north of Scotland and beyond.

Ofgem, has today published a consultation on options for the structure of the next Price Control due to commence in April 2021 and known as the RIIO-T2 regulatory framework.

The consultation puts the needs of stakeholders and consumers front and centre of the RIIO-T2 planning process.  Our customers are already firmly at the heart of our business, and understanding and meeting their needs and expectations will continue to be central to our future business plans.  We have a great track record from the current price control, RIIO- T1, our commitment to preparation and planning was key to the delivery of a robust and resilient network for our customers, and we believe we are well placed to prepare our future plan that will enable the smart, sustainable and affordable energy system for the future.

We look forward to further consultation and discussion on the RIIO-T2 regulatory framework as this process evolves and are confident that our networks businesses will continue the trend of enhanced performance for customers and stakeholders alike, whilst delivering a fair and sustainable return on investment to our shareholders.

Further information on Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc. RIIO-T2 engagement to date and north of Scotland Future Energy Scenarios workstream can be found here