SSEN to take forward further undergrounding studies following feedback received during north Argyll consultation

Following the recent consultation on the proposed north Argyll transmission project which closed on Friday 27 April, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) is now in the process of reviewing all feedback received, which will be carefully considered as SSEN refines its proposals.

In particular, SSEN recognises the extent of strong feeling in the Dalmally area about the potential for new overhead transmission infrastructure and is committed to explore undergrounding in places of particular local sensitivity, where it can be demonstrated to be technically and environmentally feasible, as well as economic to GB bills payers who will ultimately pay for the proposed reinforcement through their electricity bills.

Commenting on the consultation and next steps, Project Manager, Derek Hearns, said:

“We would like to thank everyone who took the time to attend our consultation events and provide a written response. As we have already promised, we are committed to explore undergrounding, as proposed in January by Dalmally Community Council when we presented our initial cable feasibility study. Whilst we have ruled out the potential to go through Loch Awe due to a number of technical constraints, we continue to explore the feasibility of an underground land cable in areas of particular concern raised by the local community through the consultation.

“Although it is too early to say if this will be viable, we hope our continued commitment to seriously consider undergrounding demonstrates that we are listening and that we genuinely want to work constructively with the local community to address their concerns where we can.”

SSEN will now carry out detailed ground investigation studies to inform the feasibility of a land cable in the main areas of concern raised through the consultation and is committed to keep the local community updated as this work progresses throughout the course of the year.


To find out more about the project, please visit the dedicated project page.