Your Plan, Our Future: SSEN Transmission publishes RIIO-T2 Newsletter


SSEN Transmission has this week published its first RIIO-T2 stakeholder newsletter, covering our progress as we work to develop a business plan for the next price control period, from 2021 onwards.

As a regulated business, the framework that oversees how we operate is closely scrutinised through what’s known as a ‘Price Control’ under Ofgem’s RIIO regulatory model. Essentially, this is our regulated contract with Ofgem and our customers; influenced and led directly by feedback from all of our key stakeholders.

This framework will be extremely important for SSEN’s future plans and will shape how we operate, engage and invest in our network from 2021 onwards.

Development of the RIIO-T2 business plan will require meaningful input, engagement and feedback from a wide range of stakeholders and the Transmission RIIO-T2 team will be engaging widely to understand the ambitions and views of interested parties ahead of consulting on a draft plan later in 2018.

To keep all interested parties informed and updated on our activity, we have prepared a newsletter which includes updates on our achievements to date and highlights opportunities where our stakeholders can get involved with future discussions. You can download the latest edition here.

We welcome all views and feedback to help shape our future network. For further information on our RIIO-T2 work stream please visit:

If you would like to get in touch please contact us at