North of Scotland Future Energy Scenarios: Building a Network that works for our stakeholders

As part of our preparation for the next price control, RIIO-T2, Scottish and Southern Electricity Network’s (SSEN) Transmission business has been undertaking in depth analysis of what our future network may look like from 2021 onwards. Informed by engagement and consultation with academics and key stakeholders over the last 18 months, our North of Scotland Future Energy Scenario work stream will become a founding pillar of our RIIO-T2 business plan, informing us of potential trends and scenarios which could affect how we build a network that works for our stakeholders.

Although there are already existing scenario papers which identify GB wide scenarios, the North of Scotland Future Energy Scenarios paper looks to complement this work at a regional level, focusing on our network area which has its own specific challenges and characteristics. Examples of topics explored within our scenario work stream include impact of increased electric vehicle use, onshore wind repowering, improvements in energy efficiency and future generation scenarios in our network area.

In our latest RIIO-T2 video update, Imran Mohammed, Senior Business Insight Analyst, explains more about our Future Energy Scenario work stream and outlines our next steps following research and analysis of key topics. A detailed report of our scenario work findings will be published later this month.

For more information on SSEN’s RIIO-T2 scenario work, or to share your views, please contact the RIIO-T2 team directly at: or visit: