Balallan exhibition materials are now on display


SSEN Transmission has put the exhibition materials from its second Public Consultation event on extended display at the Kinloch Historical Society in Balallan.

The event, which was held earlier this month at the Kinloch Historical Society,  saw members of the local community meet the team behind SSEN Transmission’s plans for a new switching substation at Balallan, and replacement overhead lines between there and Stornoway.  

The exhibition materials will remain at the venue until mid-February, giving anyone who was unable to attend the event itself the chance to see the updated proposals and information.

Speaking after the consultation event, Lisa Marchi-Grey, SSEN Transmission’s Community Liaison Manager, said:

"The Public Consultation event in Stornoway was a great chance for us to meet members of the local community, share our updated plans and hear their views on the proposals ahead of submitting our consent application under Section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989.  

"I’d like to thank the Kinloch Historical Society for displaying the exhibition materials and helping us ensure that as many people as possible have the opportunity to comment.”

The exhibition materials can be viewed upstairs at Kinloch Historical Society in Balallan until Friday, 15 February.

The above photo shows visitors and members of the SSEN Transmission at the consultation earlier this month.