Rothienorman substation application has been granted


SSEN Transmission’s application to construct its new 400/275kV substation near Rothienorman has been granted by a full meeting of Aberdeenshire Council.

Construction of the new substation is expected to start in March this year, and is expected to be completed to operate at 275kV in March 2021 and upgraded to operate at 400kV in March 2023.

Lauren Riach, SSEN Transmission’s Town Planner, gave a presentation to the councillors at the meeting, and afterwards said:

“We welcome this decision to grant planning permission for our new substation at Rothienorman. As a responsible developer we will continue to engage with the local community before, during and after the construction of the substation, which is a critical piece of network infrastructure and will play an important part in the move to a low carbon economy.”

SSEN’s Community Liaison Manager will be keeping local residents, businesses and stakeholders updated throughout all stages of the substation’s construction.

For further information on the project, please visit