Turning sustainability ambitions into action


Following the publication of SSEN Transmission’s sustainability plan consultation, Aileen McLeod, Head of Business Planning and Performance explains how stakeholders can continue to play a part in our long and short term sustainability actions.

We have reached an important milestone on our Sustainability journey. Today we have published our draft sustainability plan for consultation. Our Sustainability Plan: turning ambitions into action provides a first view of the actions that we will take over the short, medium and long term to deliver on the sustainability strategy commitments we made last year. This plan will act as a roadmap balancing short term progress and realistic long term targets that make a difference.

Our strategic ambition is to be a trusted partner of customers and communities, realising long term benefit for society, economy and the environment. While our action plan is intended to deliver results, we also want to inspire others around us to build a more sustainable energy system. The development of this plan forms part of our preparatory work for the submission of our Business Plan for our next price control, RIIO-T2.

We set out six bold and broad ambitions areas in our May 2018 sustainability strategy, and our action plan explains the activities we propose to take in each area. This includes the steps towards setting a science-based target for our greenhouse gas emissions, and how we will work with others to manage waste and use resources efficiently. In the context of the national decarbonisation and decentralisation ambitions, we have plans for facilitating renewable generation connections and supporting north of Scotland communities.

Achieving our ambitious targets will take hard-work, innovation, investment and collaboration. Going forward, our sustainability plan will guide our efforts and allow stakeholders to track our progress. I believe by implementing and continuing to build on this plan, we will deliver a truly sustainable transmission network that makes a real difference to society, the environment and economy.

This consultation presents an opportunity for stakeholders to ensure that our proposed actions on sustainability meets their expectations. We welcome your feedback, views and opinions.

Our Sustainability Plan: turning ambitions into action is open for comments until 15 March 2019. All feedback received through this consultation will be used to refine our sustainability plan and will help focus our activities over the coming years ahead of publication of the final plan in spring 2018. Responses will be generalised and not attributed to specific respondents.

To read the report in full and share your views please visit:
