Community engagement at Rothienorman substation site is praised by local councillors

Preparatory work has now begun on SSEN Transmission’s new Rothienorman substation and as part of its commitment to keep the local community updated throughout the construction phase, it recently hosted a visit from Turriff & District councillors Sandy Duncan and Alastair Forsyth.

The two councillors met with road improvements site manager Ian Maclean and his staff to see first-hand how the work is progressing and also learn more about what is required before construction of the substation itself begins, which will support the growth of renewable electricity generation - particularly offshore wind - in the north east of Scotland.

With the lay-down area for all plant and machinery completed earlier this month, teams are currently focussed on the road-widening work which is underway between the A920 junction and the substation site, with both councillors impressed by the way SSEN Transmission has engaged with the local community ahead of each stage of the work.

Councillor Forsyth, who lives in Rothienorman, said:

"I’ve been really impressed with the efforts of SSEN Transmission and their contractors on site to keep the local communities updated; communication is a really important part of a project like this and, as a local resident myself, it’s gratifying to be kept ‘in the loop’.

"I’m also very hopeful that this major project brings benefits to the community locally as I know that some of the workforce are local men and women, and others who have businesses in the area are looking forward to providing services as the project progresses."

Councillor Duncan, who is a farmer in the Turriff area, appreciates the benefits that will come from the pre-construction works that are currently under way. He said:

"This is a really important project, and I’m pleased to see work has started. By widening the local roads, this will mean that SSEN Transmission staff, their contractors and all of the construction materials will be able to get on and off site with the minimum amount of disruption to the local community, something that is very much appreciated by my constituents."

SSEN Transmission is committed to supporting local businesses and maximising the opportunity to employ local staff and contractors where possible, and it recently hosted a ‘Meet the Buyer’ event at Rothienorman Bowling Club. Local businesses who could potentially complement the project’s specialist construction teams were invited to learn more about the skills required and the tenders on offer.

Speaking after the event, Gary Donlin, SSEN Transmission’s Community Liaison Manager, said:

"As a responsible developer we are always looking for ways to engage with the communities where our sites are located, and that includes working with local businesses as part of a project’s supply chain. By working with local contractors, not only is this contributing to the local economy, but by their very nature these businesses bring their own local knowledge to the table, which is an invaluable addition to the other teams working on site."

To watch a short video of the Meet the Buyer event, please click on the image above.

The accompanying photo shows Ian MacLean alongside Councillors Alastair Forsyth and Sandy Duncan during a break from the onsite works.