SSEN Transmission takes RIIO-T2 on renewables conference tour

Continuing our programme of meaningful and effective stakeholder engagement on our RIIO-T2 business plan preparation, SSEN Transmission will be hosting a stand at a number of forthcoming renewables conferences around Scotland.

Following successful sessions at the Scottish Highlands Renewable Energy Conference in April, and Scottish Renewables’ Hydro Conference in May, SSEN Transmission’s RIIO-T2 team will also be seeking to engage with delegates attending All Energy (14th and 15th May – stand J51) and Scottish Renewables’ Onshore Wind Conference (11th June) both being held in Glasgow.

Our stand at the conferences will seek to provide generation customers, key stakeholders and other interested parties with an opportunity to find out about our progress as work continues towards the submission of a robust and well-informed business plan to Ofgem in July 2019. The stand will also allow visitors to share further feedback on key priorities for our future network and ask any questions of the team at hand.

Representatives from SSEN’s Distribution business will also be available each day to answer any questions in relation to connections and business priorities.

Alec Morrison, SSEN Transmission’s Customer and Communities Manager, explains more:

“Following the publication of our RIIO-T2 Emerging Thinking document in February this year, we have been continuing to consult and seek feedback on our future network plans to ensure that our network meets the needs and expectations of our customers, consumers and wider stakeholders. By attending renewables conferences, and hosting a stand, it allows us to continue this ongoing engagement and speak directly with our customers face to face, on what matters to them.

“We look forward to attending All Energy and the Onshore Wind Conference in the coming weeks to listen to and capture further feedback ahead of the submission of our first draft business plan to Ofgem in July.”

In the video above, we also grab some time with Lesley Dow in SSEN Transmission’s RIIO-T2 team during the Scottish Renewables Hydro Conference in Perth, to find out more about our engagement plans and RIIO-T2 progress.

If you are planning to attend All Energy or the Scottish Renewables Onshore Wind Conference in the coming weeks, please pop by our stand and say hello.

For further information on SSEN Transmission’s RIIO-T2 workstream please visit: