How should we engage with you?

The publication of our draft stakeholder engagement strategy is a pivotal moment for SSEN Transmission. While stakeholder satisfaction with our current service is high, this new strategy recognises that there is still more we can do to build meaningful ongoing relationships with stakeholders.

Our strategy sets out how we will build a culture of engagement across our business in three ways: through our commitment to improving the stakeholder experience; by taking significant action to deliver our new approach to engagement; and by working with stakeholders to transition to a low carbon future.

This new approach puts stakeholders at the centre of our business strategy and decision making, so that we can align our interests with those of our stakeholders. From our research we know this is crucial to success and when we are successful, our stakeholders become advocates of our activities and our business – further supporting the delivery of positive outcomes for all stakeholders.

Ensuring this success relies on our strategy correctly identifying and meeting the needs of our stakeholders. To do this, we spent 18 months getting to know our stakeholders better. Through research, discussions and consultations, we actively sought their honest views and feedback on our engagement to date, as well as their experience of our business. This research helped us identify what our stakeholders really want from our business and, crucially, how our engagement can support those needs.

This approach has helped us shape the draft which we now want to build upon. In publishing this we are inviting you to tell us if we are missing anything, and to advise if we need to go further. We hope you can spare the time to review the strategy and we look forward to hearing your feedback. You can share your views through the online consultation form, or via email to

Thank you

Christianna Logan

Director of Customers and Stakeholders