Tackling the climate crisis head-on – updating our sustainability strategy for a net zero future


It has been an eventful year for the low carbon transition. From the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recommendation to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, to the latest Committee on Climate Change report which has led to the UK Government committing to cut greenhouse gases to Net Zero by 2050 and the Scottish Government adopting the same target five years earlier, in 2045.  It is clear that the urgency of transitioning towards a more sustainable society has never been greater.

Against this backdrop, the recent annual review of our Sustainability Strategy took on even greater importance. This review has reinforced that our comprehensive Sustainability Strategy, first launched in May 2018, remains aligned with the national policy objectives and our ambitions meet the needs of our stakeholders.

Following feedback and challenge from our stakeholders we have identified several areas in the Strategy that we can broaden, expand and strengthen to meet changing expectations and realise long term benefit for society, the economy and the environment. Most prominently, this includes committing to a carbon reduction target that is aligned with the 1.5 degree pathway recommended by the latest climate science.

The strategy review process has been stakeholder-led and the message has been clear and consistent – stakeholders want us to show greater ambition and leadership in sustainability. We have taken this to heart – literally – by placing Leadership in Sustainability as one of the four strategic themes of our draft RIIO-T2 Business Plan.

Further significant developments that have informed our strategy review include the new SSE 2030 goals. Earlier this year, SSE plc set out its vision to be a leading energy company in a low-carbon world. To achieve this, SSE launched four stretching goals for 2030 in a bid to tackle climate change and support the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through our updated Sustainability Strategy we will contribute towards the achievement of these goals. Further information on the SSE 2030 goals can be found here.

As a relative newcomer to SSEN Transmission it gives me great hope for the future to see colleagues and stakeholders working together to tackle the biggest challenge of our time. A net zero future is worth fighting for and I firmly believe our updated Sustainability Strategy provides us with a solid foundation on which to meet the climate crisis head-on.

We welcome feedback on our strategy update. Responses to this consultation can be provided via the feedback form on our website or you can contact us directly via lowcarbonteam@sse.com. The closing date for responses is 9 August 2019.