SSEN Transmission, SPEN and NGET unite to deliver underwater energy super-highway

SSEN Transmission, in collaboration with SPEN and National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET), is delighted to confirm the development of ambitious plans to deliver an underwater super-highway that will see the North Sea become the hidden power house of Europe.

The electric super-highway will play a vital role in achieving net zero as the parent companies of all three GB Electricity Transmission Owners were confirmed today as major partners of the UN’s COP26 climate change event to be held in Glasgow in 2021.

The Eastern Link will be made up of some of the world’s longest subsea HVDC cables with a combined capacity of up to 4GW. The multi-billion pound investment is expected to support hundreds of green jobs throughout construction and operation. The project will be led by SSEN Transmission, SPEN and National Grid Electricity Transmission, setting off from two separate points in Scotland; Peterhead and Torness.

Alistair Phillips-Davies, Chief Executive of the SSE Group, said: “The development of the East Coast link is one of the most exciting energy developments over recent decades and is essential to delivering the UK’s 40GW offshore wind target by 2030 and critical to our own commitment to build a network for net zero emissions.

“With the eyes on the UK ahead of COP26 next year, this project clearly demonstrates how the UK is leading the world in tackling the climate emergency and supporting thousands of jobs and supply chain opportunities.”

For more information on today’s announcement, please visit


SSEN Transmission, in collaboration with SPEN and National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET), is delighted to confirm the development of ambitious plans to deliver an underwater super-highway that will see the North Sea become the hidden power house of Europe.

The electric super-highway will play a vital role in achieving net zero as the parent companies of all three GB Electricity Transmission Owners were confirmed today as major partners of the UN’s COP26 climate change event to be held in Glasgow in 2021.

The Eastern Link will be made up of some of the world’s longest subsea HVDC cables with a combined capacity of up to 4GW. The multi-billion pound investment is expected to support hundreds of green jobs throughout construction and operation. The project will be led by SSEN Transmission, SPEN and National Grid Electricity Transmission, setting off from two separate points in Scotland; Peterhead and Torness.

Alistair Phillips-Davies, Chief Executive of the SSE Group, said: “The development of the East Coast link is one of the most exciting energy developments over recent decades and is essential to delivering the UK’s 40GW offshore wind target by 2030 and critical to our own commitment to build a network for net zero emissions.

“With the eyes on the UK ahead of COP26 next year, this project clearly demonstrates how the UK is leading the world in tackling the climate emergency and supporting thousands of jobs and supply chain opportunities.”

For more information on today’s announcement, please visit