SSEN Transmission start archaeological assessment of Kergord site


Orkney-based archaeological specialists ORCA, working on behalf of SSEN Transmission, will commence ground investigation works in the Kergord & Weisdale area this week.

The Shetland HVDC Link project, will aim to connect Shetland to the National Electricity Transmission System for the first time and allow  the export of renewable energy generation from Shetland to the UK mainland.

ORCA works commence on Monday 24th February and are expected to take up to three weeks to complete. The archaeological site investigations will involve a detailed assessment to fully understand any archaeological features along a proposed cable route prior to the construction phase in addition to informing whether any further action is required.

Julie Tuck, SSEN Transmission Lead Environmental Project Manager, said:

“Undertaking an archaeological assessment such as this is a key milestone in the project development process. We will be working closely with ORCA archelogy in the coming weeks. In the event of any archaeological discoveries SSEN Transmission is committed to ensure these are fully documented, preserved if possible, and our findings shared with interested parties.”

The progression of the Shetland HVDC Link project remains subject to regulatory approval from Ofgem which in turn is subject to Shetland developers’ demonstrated commitment to take their projects forward.

Any relevant updates regarding these works will be posted to the dedicated project website: