SSEN Transmission launch Shetland wind farm connections virtual consultations

SSEN Transmission will host three online consultation events to engage with stakeholders on its plans to provide connections for three new renewable electricity generators on Shetland; Energy Isles and Beaw Field windfarms located on Yell; and Mossy Hill windfarm located west of Lerwick.   The virtual consultation events will take place on 21 and 22 July.

As the transmission network operator for the north of Scotland, SSEN Transmission has a license requirement to provide connections to electricity generators looking to connect to the national grid.  

The connection of the wind farms remains subject to the progression of the proposed 600MW Shetland HVDC link, which will connect Shetland to the GB transmission system for the first time via a subsea link from a new substation and HVDC convertor station planned at Kergord.  In May 2020, Ofgem provisionally approved the Shetland HVDC project, with a final decision expected shortly. 

Through initial surveys and analysis, SSEN Transmission has identified ‘search areas’ in which to conduct further surveys to identify preferred routes for these connections. The virtual consultation events will be presenting these search areas and the proposed technology for the connections, seeking feedback on these areas to help identify the best route for the new lines.

At the events the project team will also be seeking stakeholder feedback on the proposed location of a new switching station located on Yell. The switching station is required to facilitate the connection of Yell located windfarms to a new substation and HVDC converter station at Kergord  via a subsea cable.  From there it will connect to the Scottish mainland in Caithness via a proposed 600MW HVDC subsea cable. Visitors to the consultation will be able to share their views on five potential locations to help identify a preferred option.   

To facilitate the consultation events, SSEN Transmission has developed an online consultation tool to enable the local community to experience the full exhibition from home on a computer, tablet or mobile device, whilst maintaining Government guidance on social distancing. The online exhibition has been designed to look and feel like a real consultation in a community hall, with exhibition boards, maps, interactive videos and the opportunity to share views on the proposals.

Commenting on the events, Steven McMillan Project Manager, said:

“We are very early on in the development of the project and as a responsible developer, we are keen to work closely with the local community to identity the best route for these new connections.  

“We encourage anyone who might be interested in our proposals to join the virtual consultations where you will be able to engage directly with our project team, via a live chat function, to ask any questions you might have about the project and share feedback on the current proposals.”

The virtual consultation events will be taking place as follows:

21 July  2020 14:00 - 16:00

22 July  2020 10:00 - 12:00

22 July  2020 18:00 - 20:00