SSEN Transmission invites you to share your feedback on three proposals for the Creag Dhubh – Dalmally power line

On 1 and 2 September, SSEN Transmission will host three online consultation events to engage with the local community on three proposals to connect new generation in Argyll to the transmission system.

The existing transmission network for Argyll was originally designed to serve a rural area with low demand for electricity. In order to facilitate the connection of new renewable generation across Argyll and transport that clean electricity to areas of demand, a new connection is required. Once complete the new connection will play a key role in supporting the transition to a net zero emissions target.

Back in 2018, SSEN Transmission held a series of consultation events to seek feedback on its initial proposals. During these events the local community asked SSEN Transmission to explore other options for the connection including the possibility of undergrounding a section of the line across the Strath of Orchy as it enters Dalmally substation as well as exploring options for an alternative overhead line route connecting east of Dalmally.

In recognition of this feedback SSEN Transmission has been working on a series of further studies to assess the feasibility of undergrounding part of the line and an alternative overhead line route and connection location. With this work now complete, SSEN Transmission will be presenting its findings and seeking feedback from local stakeholders to help inform the development of the project.

At the virtual consultation events, visitors will be able to review the three different options and share their feedback in order to help identify a preferred option:

  1. Overhead line to the existing Dalmally substation (presented in 2018)
  2. A combination of overhead line and underground cable connection to the existing Dalmally substation
  3. An alternative overhead line connection location east of Dalmally and new substation, avoiding the need to connect to the existing Dalmally substation and existing overhead line.

To present its proposals, SSEN Transmission has developed an online consultation tool, to enable the local community and other stakeholders to experience the full exhibition from home on a computer, tablet or mobile device, whilst maintaining Government guidance on social distancing. The online exhibition has been designed to look and feel like a real consultation in a community hall, with exhibition boards, maps, interactive videos and the opportunity to share views on the proposals.

Commenting on the consultation events, Project Manager, Paul McQuillan, said: 

“We have been working closely with the local community throughout the development of this project and when we last consulted on the project in 2018 they gave us two clear asks; to explore undergrounding a section of the proposed overhead line and to look at an alternative route. This feedback has been pivotal in shaping the proposals we will be presenting at the upcoming virtual consultation events.

“The online consultation events have been designed to be as interactive as face to face events, allowing for presentation of key project information and plans. We are keen to hear from as many people as possible on the three proposals and would encourage anyone who is interested in finding out more to come along to one of the virtual consultation sessions.”

In addition to the virtual consultation platform the project team will be available to engage via email, telephone and online meeting where required, to ensure we reach stakeholders in a manner most suitable to them.

To find out more about the proposal or how to join the virtual consultation events visit the project page at or contact Community Liaison Manager Kelly Scott at