Stakeholders invited to Kinardochy substation virtual exhibitions


On 20 August SSEN Transmission will host two online exhibition events to engage with the stakeholders on its to plans to construct a new substation at Kinardochy.

Network and system studies have shown that currently contracted generation will cause such a change, within the Tummel Bridge area, that a new reactive power compensation substation at Kinardochy is needed to support the management of energy and maintain a safe and secure supply of electricity across the network.

Ahead of submitting their planning application to Perth and Kinross Council for a new reactive power compensation electricity substation approximately 3 kilometres South at Tummel Bridge , SSEN Transmission are holding two virtual online exhibitions to gain views and feedback on our proposals.

These exhibitions follow the public consultation event held in August 2019 where local stakeholders were invited to share their feedback on a site selection exercise. Further information was then presented at a public event held in November 2019 based on the design information available at that time.

In the absence of being able to hold a face to face event locally, SSEN Transmission has developed an online exhibition tool to enable the local community to experience the full exhibition from home on a computer, tablet or mobile device, whilst maintaining Government guidance on social distancing. The online exhibition has been designed to look and feel like a real exhibition in a community hall, with exhibition boards, maps, interactive videos and the opportunity to share views on the proposals.

Development Project Manager Nick Brown said:

“As a responsible developer we want to continue  to keep the local community updated on our proposals, and we are also keen to hear their views on our plans and listen to their feedback.

“We encourage anyone who might be interested in our proposals to join the virtual exhibitions where you will be able to engage directly with our project team, via a live chat function, where they can ask any questions they might have about the project and share their feedback on the current proposals.”

The virtual exhibitions will be taking place as follows:

20 August  2020 1300 - 15:00

20 August  2020 17:00 - 19:00


To join the virtual exhibition please visit the project page