Abernethy substation extension to enable connection of more green energy


  • Project will involve expanding the existing substation to increase capacity to enable growth in local renewable energy
  • First phase will involve widening road to substation from A913 and creating new site access point
  • Work begins from Monday 25 October

A new project by SSEN Transmission to construct an extension to its existing electricity substation in Abernethy is set to get underway later this month, allowing for future connection and onward transportation of clean renewable energy generated in the area.

The existing substation, to the east of Abernethy village, has insufficient capacity to allow the connection of new renewable electricity looking to connect to the local electricity distribution network, with the extension required to enable the connection of 50 megawatt (MW) of new renewable electricity generation by the end of 2022.

The existing substation at Abernethy will be expanded into the adjacent field to the north of the site to allow for the replacement of the existing grid transformers (GTs), and installation of associated 132kV outdoor switchgear, which will connect to the existing 132kV equipment via underground cables.

Following the successful commissioning of the new substation extension, the old plant will be removed and recycled in stages.

To help mitigate the visual impact of the new extension and improve biodiversity at the site, teams will extend the existing tree line around the substation and plant a variety of native trees to help screen it from view.  Bunds will also be built along the edge of the development next to the local U75 road, planted with native species, hedgerows and trees to help improve the natural wildlife as well as reduce the visual impact.  SSEN Transmission is committed to delivering biodiversity net gain for all projects by 2025, and the planting of native species around the site will help contribute to a sustainable site which is rich in wildlife.

Extensive consultation has been carried out with the local community to inform them of the project and take on board any feedback. 

Starting on Monday 25 October, the first stage of the project will involve widening the single-lane U75 road from the substation entrance to the A913 junction, allowing two-way traffic to flow and safer access for machinery to upgrade the substation.  A new site access will also be installed to allow for the new components to be safely delivered. Temporary traffic lights will be in place on the U75 throughout this first phase to allow the work to take place safely. 

Access will be maintained to local businesses and properties, and teams have been working closely alongside them to ensure disruption is kept to a minimum and keep them informed during this essential first phase. 

Ewan Macfarlane, Project Manager, said:  “This month sees the first phase of our substation extension work getting underway in Abernethy, which will increase the capacity of renewable energy connecting to the electricity transmission network, helping to contribute to our plans to deliver a network for net zero.

“We’ve been working closely with the local community in advance of construction to make sure that they remain informed and to help address any concerns raised.  The first phase of work involves permanently widening the single-lane road next to the substation, meaning safer access to the properties and businesses located on the route. 

“We always work hard to try and mitigate any impacts we may have on the landscape and at Abernethy, we’re working to plant native trees, hedgerows and wildflowers on purpose-built bunds around the site which will not only to help reduce its visual impact, but also ensure we promote biodiversity in the area. 

“As ever, we’ll continue to work to ensure the community remains updated at all times throughout the project and thank them in advance for their understanding and patience while we begin this essential development.”

Work gets underway from Monday 25 October, with teams expecting the project to be completed in early 2023.