North of Scotland to Contribute up to 10% Towards UK Net Zero Target

SSEN Net Zero Video

SSEN Transmission has today published analysis that highlights the significant contribution the north of Scotland will make to UK and Scottish Government net zero targets.

The Getting to Net Zero: The critical contribution from electricity generated in the north of Scotlandreport assesses the potential contribution from the north of Scotland electricity sector in achieving net zero. 

Using pioneering analysis, based on the 6th Carbon Budget and SSEN Transmission’s north of Scotland Future Energy Scenarios, the report seeks to translate targets and pathways into a practical understanding of the role, contribution and significance of renewable electricity produced in the north of Scotland to national net zero ambitions.

For the first time, this quantifies that the north of Scotland electricity sector has the potential to contribute 10% of emissions abatement required for net zero. This clearly shows that the clean, green electricity produced in the north of Scotland is playing an outsized role in the effort to decarbonise our nation.   

Commenting on the report, Rob McDonald, Managing Director for SSEN Transmission, said:

“This report demonstrates the significant contribution the north of Scotland will play in achieving our net zero targets and the critical role we have to play in connecting and transporting renewable electricity to areas of demand.

As we further decarbonise our economy through the electrification of heat and transport, our analysis quantifies that the north of Scotland electricity sector has the potential to contribute 10% of emissions abatement required for the UK to reach its net zero target, playing an outsized role in the effort to decarbonise our nation.

Over the past few weeks we have heard world leaders at COP26 taking about the importance of delivering net zero and keeping 1.5C alive.  This report makes clear the critical role the north of Scotland will play in achieving these targets as we continue to deliver a network for net zero emissions.”


Read our Net Zero Report