Building a network for net zero: SSEN Transmission webinar to share ambitious investment plans for Argyll and Bute region


SSEN Transmission,  the electricity transmission owner in the Argyll and Bute Region is currently developing and delivering several projects across the region, reinforcing the network ensure the continued security of supply for the communities it serves and connecting and transporting new renewable generation to the GB grid, supporting the transition to net zero emissions.

Given the scale of investment planned in coming years, supporting a green recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, SSEN Transmission are inviting stakeholders in the region to join a free, regional webinar on 17 March to find out more about SSEN Transmission’s ambitious investment plans in the region. 

During the interactive session attendees will be able to find out details of the projects currently in construction in the region alongside the future projects in the region, the project drivers and the role they will play in building a network for net zero emissions and tackling the climate emergency. Information regarding future opportunities to engage with SSEN Transmission and help shape their plans will also be shared.

Rob McDonald, Managing Director of SSEN Transmission said: “We engaged with stakeholders across the Argyll and Bute region during the development of our RIIO-T2 business plan, their feedback was invaluable in shaping our business plan a ‘network for net zero’. 

“As we start to deliver our 5 years business plan, it is important we continue this engagement with our  stakeholders, sharing our investment plans for the reinforcement and upgrade of the network in the region and how we plan to build a network for net zero. Importantly, we want to hear from stakeholders to help inform our plans, and how they would like us to engage with us moving forward, building lasting and meaningful relationships.”

If you are interested in SSEN Transmission’s future plans for Argyll and Bute and would like to join the webinar and share your feedback, then please register to attend.

The webinar will be held on:

Wednesday 17 March 2021 – 14:00-15:30

Please click here to register