Principles for the Development of Scotland’s Energy Network


Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) has today welcomed the publication of the Principles for the Development of Scotland’s Energy Network.

The Principles, which have been developed in collaboration by the members of the Scottish Energy Networks Strategic Leadership Group (SLG), set out how Scottish energy policy should be taken into account in plans and decisions about investment in network infrastructure. Membership of the Energy Networks SLG incorporates the Scottish Government, Ofgem, National Grid Electricity System Operator and Scotland’s energy network companies, reporting to Scotland’s Energy Advisory Board (SEAB).

Commenting on the Principles, SSEN Transmission’s Managing Director Rob McDonald, who represents both SSEN’s network businesses on the Energy Networks SLG, said:

“We welcome the publication of the Principles for the Development of Scotland’s Energy Network, which we are delighted to have supported the development of through the Scottish Energy Networks Strategic Leadership Group. Our electricity networks will act as the backbone to local and national decarbonisation efforts, from connecting and transporting offshore wind and other renewables, to supporting the decarbonisation of heat and the roll out of an extensive, nationwide EV charging network.

“Scotland’s net zero targets go hand in hand with the delivery of the UK’s targets and it is therefore critical that the policy ambitions of Scotland’s devolved Government are reflected in the policy and regulatory developments of the UK Government and Ofgem. As we look forward to welcoming the world to Glasgow this November as the UK hosts COP26, it is more important than ever that Governments, industry, regulators and wider stakeholders work together if we are to truly tackle the climate emergency and prevent the worst impacts of climate change.

“Through the establishment of the Scottish Government’s Energy Networks Strategic Leadership Group, the development of these principles are a clear example of this collaboration and the strong commitment of all members to work together to deliver a just transition to net zero.”

Scotland’s Energy Minister Paul Wheelhouse said:

“I am delighted that our Energy Networks Strategic Leadership Group has published principles for the development of Scotland’s energy networks. I have been pleased to see the positive and cooperative approach taken by all the SLG members, including Scotland’s gas and electricity network companies, and Ofgem, in identifying how we work together to deliver a Just Transition to net-zero across Scotland. This shows Scotland continuing to lead the way in decarbonising our energy system.”

The Principles for the Development of Scotland’s Energy Network can be found on the Scottish Government’s website via the following link: