SSEN Transmission helps Action Kintore reach fund raising target


When Action Kintore SCIO fell short of their fund-raising target to bring Kintore’s magnificent 18th century Town House back into community use, SSEN Transmission’s Kintore substation team stepped in to help them reach their target. 

SSEN Transmission has been working locally on the development of a new substation west of the existing substation at Leylodge. Construction of the new substation is expected to commence in late summer, and once complete, it will facilitate the connection of new renewable electricity to the National Grid, supporting the transition to net zero emissions. A project update letter to the local community prompted Action Kintore SCIO to get in contact with SSEN Transmission to see if they could help. 

Action Kintore SCIO is a charity set up in 2009 to provide facilities for the young people in and around Kintore.  In 2013, they created a special space known as the Bothie, home to a range of youth and community groups, run with the help of volunteers and youth workers, creating a safe and fun environment for young people in the area. 

In 2020, Action Kintore SCIO set their sights on bringing the Town House in Kintore back into use for the benefit of the whole community, with plans to see it become a vibrant hub for community events, functions and exhibitions. Using the former jail for displays and exhibitions, this would bring to life the building’s fascinating history and the rich heritage of Kintore and its surrounding area.

Close to meeting their £26,000 target for the initial phase of the Town House project Action Kintore sought help from SSEN Transmission to donate the final funds to enable them to instruct an architect to begin the work required to obtain a change building use and propose internal changes and external refurbishments.

SSEN Transmission Project Manager Andrew Henderson said: “Throughout the development and consent of Kintore substation we have developed a close relationship with the local community, so when Action Kintore SCIO contacted and asked for help, we were more than happy to lend our support.

“We are delighted that our donation has helped them reach their fund-raising target.  It is a fantastic project and I look forward to seeing Action Kintore’s plans for the handsome granite building which has stood as a centrepiece in Kintore since the late 18th Century.”

Brian Johnstone, Chairman of Action Kintore said:

“We are so appreciative of this funding support from SSEN Transmission, it completes our local contribution obligation and allows us to proceed on to the planning design phase.”