SSEN Transmission invites you to share your views on plans redevelop the existing Beauly 132kV substation

On 25 March SSEN Transmission will host two online consultation events to engage with stakeholders on its proposals about works required to enable the connection of the Infinergy Loch Luichart Extension II Windfarm by replacing ageing equipment at Beauly substation

SSEN Transmission have developed its proposals following feedback received from previous consultation events and is now seeking feedback on plans to redevelop and reinforce the existing substation. The proposals have four main elements:


  • The preferred option for construction of a new  132kV GIS substation building.
  • Decommissioning parts of the existing  132kV substation.
  • Decommissioning of three existing transformers  within the existing 132kV substation.
  • Replacement with three new transformers,  all installed within noise enclosures.

To facilitate the consultation events SSEN Transmission has developed an online consultation tool, to enable the local community to experience the full exhibition from home on a computer, tablet or mobile device, whilst maintaining Government guidance on social distancing. The online exhibition has been designed to look and feel like a real consultation in a community hall, with exhibition boards and maps, and the opportunity to share views on the proposals.

Project Manager Lee Wilson said: “As a responsible developer we want to keep the local community updated on our proposals, and we are also keen to hear their views on our plans and listen to their feedback.”

“We encourage anyone who might be interested in our proposals to join the virtual consultations where you will be able to engage directly with our project team, via a live text chat function, where they can ask any qu

“To make the consultation process interactive for everyone so if yourself or someone you know is not able to join the virtual consultation or access the platform then please contact the project team, we are happy to post out consultation materials, arrange virtual meetings and set up calls to discuss the proposals"

The consultation materials will be available to access to view online anytime, visitors will also be able to share their feedback and ask questions of the project team out with the consultation events.  

The virtual consultation events will be taking place as follows:

25 March 2021:

1.00pm –2.30pm

5.30pm –7.00pm 

To join the virtual consultation please visit the project here