TNUoS: The biggest barrier to Net Zero? – webinar recording now available

Following SSEN Transmission’s recent webinar TNUoS: The biggest barrier to Net Zero? hosted by Claire Mack, Chief Executive of Scottish Renewables and supported by Adam Morrison from Ocean Winds, we have now published a recording of the session which can be accessed here: SSEN Transmission - Transmission Charges Webinar Recording

Our session on 16th March 2021 brought together a wide range of participants, including policy officials, economic development agencies and developers, covering thermal, onshore wind, offshore wind and solar, to discuss views and experiences of TNUoS charging in Scotland. Using live interactive polling and surveys, 93% of participants agreed that some form of change to the current TNUoS methodology is required to support Scotland and the UK’s net zero targets. We’d like to thank all attendees for listening, participating and sharing your opinions on our TNUoS discussion paper as we explore options for reform.

Following recent engagement through our paper and the webinar, we are currently analysing all views received and will be shortly be publishing an summary paper which will anonymously detail the feedback we have received so far to inform our next steps. This will be published in due course.

In the meantime, we look forward to further engagement with our key stakeholders as we further explore stakeholder-led options for TNUoS reform. If you have any questions on our TNUoS workstream or would like to share further feedback please contact