Understanding Argyll and Bute’s Future Energy Ambitions

SSEN Transmission is looking to engage with developers with an interest in generating in Argyll and Bute, to better understand the future electricity generation and demand needs in the region

Over the past 18 months there has been a significant increase in generator connection applications across Argyll and Bute . This increase in new renewable generation, predominantly onshore wind, has triggered the requirement for further reinforcement of the transmission network in the region, beyond that already under construction.

In order to understand and accommodate the future need of the transmission network, SSEN Transmission is looking to hear from customers looking to connect in the future, including developers who already have a signed connections agreement for their project particularly in the context of the UK and Scotland’s net zero emissions targets. They hope this engagement will help better understand how transmission infrastructure could be used by future generation and demand customers.

Developers with plans to connect to the electricity network in the region are invited to complete a Questionnaire  which will help develop robust future scenarios for the Needs Case which will be submitted to Ofgem as part of the necessary regulatory approvals process required to unlock the investment for the replacement line. To hear more about this and the Argyll and Kintyre 275kV Strategy, generation developers are also invited to join us for a virtual seminar on Wednesday 7 April.

Wendy MacIntyre, Head of Stakeholder Engagement said:

“It’s important for us to work with our current and future customers to understand their needs and develop in partnership with both them and our wider stakeholders enduring and efficient solutions that will support and enable how we use the electricity network both today and in the future.

“We are inviting generation and demand developers with plans to connect to the electricity network in the area to complete a questionnaire which will help inform the Needs Case, as well as joining our online seminar to find out more about our plans to upgrade the network, ask questions and share information regarding their plans.”

During this seminar developers will hear presentations on the Argyll and Kintyre 275kV Strategy , the Cost Benefit Analysis due to be undertaken and  the need for the developer questionnaire. Developers will be able to engage with subject matter experts via the Slido platform, which will be used to host an interactive Q&A, where they can ask any questions they might have about the project.

To register for the seminar please fill out the seminar registration form by Friday 2 April.  

Online seminar hosted: Wednesday 7 April 2:30pm-3:30pm

Questionnaire submissions requested by: Friday 9 April.

Wider Stakeholders

While this information gathering exercise is aimed specifically at generation and demand developers, we recognise there are many more stakeholders with an interest in the development of the Argyll and Kintyre 275kV Strategy. As this project develops, we will continue to facilitate and encourage public consultation to seek stakeholder views and will ensure there will be opportunities to feed into the project development process.

As the electricity transmission owner in the north of Scotland, SSEN Transmission is committed to develop its network and provide network solutions which seek to reflect all stakeholder needs. These include ensuring security of supply and network resilience, while enabling the connection of additional renewable generation to fight climate change as we build a network for net zero emissions.  We also aim to consider all future requirements to help minimise the need for additional major infrastructure work in the future; all balanced against the need to keep local disruption to a minimum.