SSEN Transmission seeks feedback on proposals to connect new renewables projects in Shetland


SSEN Transmission is seeking feedback from the Shetland community and wider stakeholders on plans to provide connections for three new renewable electricity generators in Shetland; Energy Isles and Beaw Field Wind Farms located on Yell; and Mossy Hill Wind Farm located west of Lerwick.

As the electricity transmission network owner for the north of Scotland, SSEN Transmission is legally obliged to provide connections to electricity generators looking to connect to the electricity transmission network.  

To facilitate these connections, a new 132kV transmission network will be created in Shetland which will include sections of overhead line and underground cable, a new switching station to facilitate the connection of the wind farms located in Yell, a subsea link to a new substation which will connect into the HVDC converter station at Kergord, and a new 132kV Grid Supply Point substation which will enable SSEN Distribution to transport the renewable energy to homes across Shetland.

SSEN Transmission is seeking views on the following proposals:

  • A new 132kV switching station located on Yell to connect Energy Isles and Beaw Field Wind Farms;
  • Two new 132kV connections from the proposed Yell switching station to Energy Isles and Beaw Field Wind Farms;
  • A new 132kV connection from Yell switching station to a new substation at Kergord;
  • A new 132kV connection from Mossy Hill Wind Farm tee-ing into one of the Gremista connections; and
  • Two new 132kV connections from Gremista Grid Supply Point substation to Kergord.

Commenting on the events, Steven McMillan Project Manager, said:

“We would like to thank those who responded to our earlier consultation in July last year, with the feedback received helping to shape the route and technology option proposals we are now presenting.  As a responsible developer, we are keen to continue to work closely with the local community to identity onshore and offshore routes for these new connections.  

“We encourage anyone who might be interested in our proposals to join the virtual consultations where you will be able to engage directly with our project team, via a live chat function, to ask any questions you might have about the project and share feedback on the current proposals.”

The virtual consultation events have been designed to be almost as interactive as face to face events, allowing for the presentation of key project information and plans, as well as providing an opportunity to ask questions about the project to team members.

If you are unable to join or access the virtual consultations and would like to find out more about the proposals please contact Community Liaison Manager, Sharon Powell at

The virtual consultation events will be taking place as follows:

  • 1 June 2021 13:00 - 14:30
  • 1 June 2021 17:30 - 19:00
  • 2 June 2021 10:00 - 11:30
  • 2 June 2021 17:30 - 19:00

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