SSEN Transmission seeks feedback on its Argyll and Kintyre 275kV Strategy


SSEN Transmission is currently developing several projects across the region as part of its Argyll and Kintyre 275kV Strategy and is seeking community and stakeholder feedback to help inform its proposals during a month-long public consultation.

The Argyll and Kintyre 275kV Strategy will increase the capacity of the electricity transmission network across the region, which is required to enable the connection of new renewable generation to the grid and support the transition to net zero emissions. During the interactive consultation sessions attendees will be able to find out details of the different elements of the strategy, the project drivers and the critical role the proposed network development will play in delivering a network for net zero emissions and tackling the climate emergency.

The consultation will be seeking feedback on the following three elements of the strategy:

Creag Dhubh to Dalmally 275kV Connection – Incorporating feedback from three previous consultations, SSEN Transmission is now seeking feedback on the preferred alignment for a new overhead line. The proposed overhead line will connect to the existing transmission network to the east of Dalmally via a new substation, avoiding the need to connect to the existing Dalmally substation and existing overhead line that runs through the village.  This follows extensive consultation and reflects the feedback received from the local community, who are keen to minimise the cumulative impact of network development in the village.

Creag Dhubh to Inveraray 275kV Overhead Line - This is a new project requiring a new 275kV overhead line to be constructed between the proposed new substation at Creag Dhubh, and a connection point on the Inveraray to Crossaig overhead line, replacing the existing 132kv overhead line. 

Argyll and Kintyre 275kV Substations - To complete the Argyll and Kintyre 275kV Strategy, existing substations will be upgraded to 275kV capability, as well as the construction of four new 275kV electricity substations, south of Inveraray. Feedback is being sought on the proposed sites for each of these new substations.

Commenting on the consultation events, Project Manager, Paul McQuillan, said: 

“The Argyll and Kintyre 275kV strategy is required to enable the connection of new renewable generation across the region, supporting UK and Scottish Government net zero emissions targets to help tackle the climate emergency.

“As a responsible developer, we are committed to working with the community and wider stakeholders as we develop our proposals. Stakeholder feedback has already been instrumental in developing our proposals so far, particularly the routing of the Creag Dhubh to Dalmally 275kV Connection which will avoid the need to connect to the existing substation and overhead line in Dalmally.

“The online consultation events have been designed to be as interactive as face to face events, allowing for the presentation of key project information and plans. We are keen to hear from as many people as possible on the three proposals and would encourage anyone who is interested in finding out more about our plans to come along to one of the virtual consultation sessions.”

To present its proposals, SSEN Transmission has developed an online consultation tool, to enable the local community and other stakeholders to experience the full exhibition from home on a computer, tablet or mobile device, whilst maintaining Government guidance on social distancing. The online exhibition has been designed to look and feel like a real consultation in a community hall, with exhibition boards, maps, interactive videos, and the opportunity to share views on the proposals.

In addition to the virtual consultation platform, the project team will be available to engage via email and telephone, to ensure stakeholders can provide feedback in a manner most suitable to them.

To find out more about the proposal or how to join the virtual consultation events visit the project page at or contact Community Liaison Manager Helen Batey at .