SSEN Transmission welcomes ScotWind leasing round outcome

SSEN Transmission – the electricity transmission owner for the north of Scotland – welcomes the announcement by Crown Estate Scotland of the outcome of the ScotWind leasing round.

To enable the connection of ScotWind generation and the onward transportation of that power to areas of demand, significant reinforcements in the main electricity transmission network will be required.  SSEN Transmission is working closely with National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO) and the two other GB Transmission Owners to develop and deliver these electricity transmission network requirements and provide timely connections to connect ScotWind generation.

Rob McDonald, Managing Director of SSEN Transmission, said:

“We welcome the outcome of the ScotWind leasing round and the significant contribution this will make to UK and Scottish net zero targets.  

“We now look forward to the working constructively with ScotWind developers, the wider industry and our stakeholders to provide the grid reinforcements necessary to enable the timely and efficient connection of ScotWind generation.”

Network planning

Under the Offshore Transmission Network Review (OTNR) launched by BEIS in July 2020, the GB transmission licensees (NGESO and three TOs) are working on a coordinated Holistic Network Design (HND) to deliver the onshore and offshore grid required to enable the UK Government’s 40GW 2030 offshore wind target.

Later this month, NGESO will publish its Network Options Assessment (NOA) which will recommend the progression of necessary onshore investments required to enable the forecast growth in renewables, including ScotWind. This will be followed in June by the publication of the HND, alongside an updated NOA to ensure alignment of the electricity transmission reinforcements required to deliver 2030 targets.

The outcome of the NOA and HND will define the connection requirements and main transmission reinforcements for ScotWind generators and inform contractual arrangements, providing the certainty required for those successful developers to take forward their developments in a timely manner.

For updates on the HND, including a recent open letter to developers on the Pathway to 2030 Connection Contract Update Programme’, please visit: