A clear and coordinated approach to Whole System

Our Head of Whole System, Andrew Urquhart, explains why we value an open and transparent approach to our whole system activities.

As a stakeholder-led business, taking a whole system approach to our network development and management is not just a regulatory requirement, it’s the right thing to do to ensure efficient and collaborative outcomes for our customers and communities. Being transparent and accessible on the work we do in this area, and providing opportunity for stakeholders to inform and feedback on our whole system activities, forms a key part of this.

Going above and beyond our regulatory reporting requirements, we published our brand-new Whole System hub earlier this year (you can access it here) alongside our Whole System Annual Report for 2022. Both provide an opportunity for us to share clear information regarding the work we are doing within this space whilst also allowing for stakeholder input and feedback, which is critical to us as we work to deliver a network for net zero.

Conventionally, the energy industry tends to work in isolated elements, but the journey to a zero carbon future relies on us disrupting these norms. At SSEN Transmission we recognise this challenge and acknowledge the need to move away from these traditional silos, taking a whole system approach to tackling issues and working collaboratively. Most importantly, this includes making information and feedback opportunities on our Whole System approach and activities accessible to our customers and wider stakeholders.

Today, as part of our regulatory license requirements, we’ve added some further information on our whole system activities, publishing a Whole System Coordination Register on our Whole System Hub page – you can read the Coordination Register here. In this document you will find accessible information on the work we have done to collaborate and cooperate with our fellow electricity network licensees in GB, and other stakeholders with an interest in our network area. Creating efficiencies which ultimately reduces costs to GB consumers.  

We’re proud advocates for Whole System thinking as we believe it creates huge benefit, from our commitment to deliver a customer value proposition of £350 million, to providing timely cost-effective whole system solutions to ensure national net zero emissions are met. If you have any views on our Whole System Coordination Register, or our wider Whole System workstream we’d love to hear from you.

You can contact our team here: wholesystemtransmission@sse.com.