Public invited to share views on new Coire Glas connection project


  • Project will connect planned Coire Glas pumped hydro scheme to the electricity transmission network
  • Consultation events will be held in Invergarry and Fort Augustus as well as a virtual session


Members of the public are invited to share their views on plans to construct new transmission infrastructure which will allow the connection of the planned Coire Glas pumped hydro project at Loch Lochy to the electricity transmission network, enabling low carbon energy to be transported to where it is needed most. 

The Coire Glas connection project will involve constructing a 400kV Air Insulated Switchgear (AIS) Switching Station near Coire Glas , a new 400kV substation in the vicinity of Loch Lundie, around 3.5km of 400kV overhead line (OHL) to transport power from the Coire Glas switching station to a new 400/132kV AIS substation near Loch Lundie, as well as a further 8.5km of new 400kV overhead line from the proposed substation at Loch Lundie to the existing substation at Fort Augustus. 

Project teams are also proposing to rationalise sections of the existing 132kV Fort William and Invergarry Power Station overhead line circuits, which will involve re-routing the electricity circuits into the new substation at Loch Lundie and dismantling the corresponding sections of overhead lines.

Members of the public are invited to share their views on the proposals at in-person public exhibitions on Wednesday 4 May at Invergarry Community Hall between 3-7pm, and at Fort Augustus Village Hall on Thursday 5 May between 3-6.45pm.  This is an open-door drop-in session for anyone interested in learning more about the project.

An online virtual consultation event will also be held on Monday 9 May between 5-7pm, and has been designed to be fully interactive, allowing for presentation of key project information and plans. Visitors will be able to engage directly with the project team via a live instant messaging chat function, where they can ask any questions they might have about the project and share their feedback on the current proposals.

Derek Hearns, SSEN Transmission Project Development Manager, said:

“The proposed Coire Glas Connection Project will allow us to connect the new planned Coire Glas pumped hydro storage project to the GB electricity transmission network.  This will allow the transportation of low carbon electricity from where it’s generated to where it’s needed, supporting the transition to net zero emissions and the fight against climate change.

“As a responsible developer, we are committed to working with the local community as we continue to develop our proposals and we would encourage anyone who is interested in finding out more about our plans to drop in to one our face-to-face sessions in Invergarry or Fort Augustus or join our virtual consultation to learn more.”

To find out more about the project visit: