Second set of transformer units arrive in Shetland

Wednesday 22 June 2022




The final transformer for the Shetland HVDC link project will be transported from Lerwick Harbour overnight tonight, Wednesday 22 June, after being delayed from the original date last week.

The delivery of the final transformer was delayed after a mechanical fault with the specialist multi-axel vehicle used in the deliveries was identified, and the transformer remained at Lerwick Harbour until a replacement vehicle was available from specialist haulier Allelys.

The fourth transformer will now be transported along the A970 to Sandwater under escort from Police Scotland overnight tonight (Wednesday), with the convoy leaving Lerwick Harbour at 10.30pm.  It will then be moved to its final location at Kergord substation along the purpose-built access track in the coming days. 

All stakeholders have been informed of the new date to advise them of the new plans and to minimise disruption as much as possible.

The third transformer was moved along the A970 under escort from Police Scotland from Lerwick Harbour along the A970 to Sandwater as planned last Wednesday night, and onto the holding area on Thursday.  The transformer was transported along the purpose-built access track to Kergord substation over the weekend.

SSEN Transmission thanks the local community, stakeholders and the travelling public for their continued patience while the final delivery of these essential components for the Shetland HVDC link is completed.   

Read more about the project here:





Wednesday 15 June 2022

  • Transformers will be transported from Lerwick Harbour to Kergord substation overnight on Wednesday 15 and Friday 17 June, from 10.30pm.


The final two transformer units for the Shetland HVDC link have arrived in Lerwick Harbour this week, with the SSEN Transmission team preparing for them to be transported to their final location at Kergord.

Following on from the successful arrival of the first two transformers to the island in May, the final two transformers arrived from Sweden via specialist vessel MK Eelmslift Ellen on Monday. 

The transformer deliveries from Lerwick to Kergord will take place overnight to avoid impacting road users as much as possible.  The first delivery is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 15 June, with the second delivery taking place on Friday 17 June.

The deliveries will follow the same format of the first set of deliveries in May, with the vehicles being transported in a convoy under the guidance and supervision of Police Scotland.  The transformer convoy will depart from Lerwick Harbour at approximately 10.30pm on both evenings and progress along the A970 road before arriving at Kergord.

Due to their size, the delivery vehicles will be travelling at a reduced speed for safety, and it is expected the journey will take between three and five hours.  No road closures are required to facilitate the movement of the transformers, and vehicles should be able to pass the convoy at regular opportunities on the road network under guidance from Police Scotland, when safe to do so. 

SSEN Transmission thanks the local community in advance for their patience and understanding during these essential deliveries. 

Read more about the project here: