Pioneering net zero innovation projects progress to next stage of Ofgem’s Strategic Innovation Fund programme


  • Following a successful initial discovery stage, two SSEN Transmission project submissions will move forward to “Alpha” phase of the Ofgem SIF scheme.
  • The progression of both projects will enable further exploration of net zero network innovations to enable coordinated, resilient, and efficient connections for ScotWind projects.

Two SSEN Transmission led projects exploring innovation in the electricity transmission network have been given the green light to progress to the next stage of Ofgem’s Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) programme following a successful “discovery” period.

The two projects will provide critical learnings to help inform the future development of a decarbonised energy system; supporting the drive to cut down costs for consumers whilst reducing reliance on costly fossil fuel imports. 

The proposals were initially submitted to Ofgem in November 2021 as part of the SIF, a scheme to help stimulate innovation that can help transform the UK’s energy systems in line with net zero targets in the coming years.

In March this year, Ofgem announced projects which have been successful in progressing to the first round of funding, known as the ‘Discovery’ stage, with three SSEN Transmission projects successfully receiving the green light for £150K of funding for this phase. Two of these three projects will progress to the next stage of the programme - known as the Alpha stage - which will consist of a further 6 months of funding to progress key learnings ahead of a final project approval stage next year.

Both projects will be funded by energy network users and consumers through the Strategic Innovation Fund, a programme from the UK’s independent energy regulator Ofgem managed in partnership with Innovate UK.

The two SSEN Transmission projects that were successful – known as Network DC and Project Incentive - include technology aimed at developing new innovative methods to build resilience and improve network reliability.

  • Network DC: Enabling installation of the offshore wind capacity required for net zero

Offshore wind will play a leading role in the transition to net zero, with as much as 100GW required to deliver 2050 net zero targets.  This will require the development of HVDC grids to connect and transport offshore wind from source, increasingly further offshore, to areas of demand. 

HVDC is generally the most efficient way to transport electricity over long distances, and it is particularly beneficial for subsea transmission, which will be vital to reinforce the GB grid to support the connection of ScotWind projects and wider GB offshore wind ambitions as outlined in the UK Government’s British Energy Security Strategy.

To support the development of HVDC grids there is a need to demonstrate the capability of DC Circuit Breakers (DCCBs) to minimise the impact of faults and allow power to keep flowing elsewhere on the network. At present DCCBs are only used in China, and have not yet been established in other parts of the world.

The Network DC project aims to advance the readiness of the technology for implementation on the GB system, to enable the development of offshore DC networks which cannot exist without DCCBs. 

  • Project Incentive: Innovative control and energy storage for ancillary services in offshore wind

With the increasing capacity of offshore wind, innovation is required to facilitate the rapid roll-out of this intermittent generation to support grid balancing and address stability challenges. Without this, the GB grid will become weaker which will lead to issues in system operation including, increasing the likelihood of blackouts and maintaining an undesirable reliance on fossil fuel generators.

Project Incentive will investigate new solutions to address this through demonstrating the use of innovative voltage, current and frequency control technologies coupled with energy storage at the point of onshore connection of offshore wind farms, to allow offshore wind farms to stabilise the onshore grid.

Andrew Urquhart, Head of Whole System at SSEN Transmission, said: “We are delighted to receive the welcome news from Ofgem that two of our project submissions will progress to the next round of Strategic Innovation Funding, moving to the “Alpha” stage.

“With significant investment required in the GB grid to enable the UK to reach its renewable energy and climate change ambitions, the progression of these projects will play a crucial role in unlocking the critical investments needed to deliver an innovative and efficient network for net zero. Challenging the status quo and finding new ways of working for the long-term benefits of our customers, host communities and consumers.

“The Strategic Innovation Fund allows us to explore the opportunities that could be provided by network innovation projects to support delivery of the UK’s 50GW by 2030 offshore wind target, whilst also better understanding any potential issues for efficient network operation. This allows us to identify and implement solutions through collaboration with stakeholders and experts in the field.

“As we deliver an innovative future network in the north of Scotland, connecting the renewable energy needed for a resilient, low carbon future, we look forward to continued collaboration with our project partners and developing our proposals further in Ofgem’s SIF scheme.” 

All learnings from the SIF programme will be shared to help create innovative projects with the potential to accelerate the transition to net zero.

For more information about Ofgem’s Strategic Innovation Fund scheme visit: Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) | Ofgem