Engagement continues on new Western Isles Link infrastructure


·         Public event scheduled to consult on the electricity infrastructure required on Lewis as part of the Western Isles Connection Project. 

·         Members of the local community and other interested parties are invited to share their views on Wednesday 8thNovember. 

SSEN Transmission are holding a public event next week to consult on the energy transmission infrastructure required on Lewis, as part of the Western Isles Connection Project – a crucial piece of work that will help to enable the connection of onshore and offshore wind in and around the Western Isles and play a critical role in the fight against climate change and securing the country’s future energy independence. 

In July 2022, the Electricity System Operator, National Grid ESO, published the ‘Pathway to 2030’, confirming the requirement for a 1.8GW HVDC subsea link from the Western Isles to the north of Scotland mainland. This forms part of a GB wide programme of network upgrades which are required to help meet 2030 offshore wind targets. 

In December 2022, the GB energy regulator, Ofgem, approved the need for the Western Isles link as part of its Accelerated Strategic Transmission Investment (ASTI) Framework decision, a major step forward in providing the much needed and long-awaited certainty required to unlock the vast renewable energy potential of the Western Isles. 

Lewis has a key role to play in hosting some of the energy transmission infrastructure that will enable that connection, and SSEN Transmission will be hosting a consultation event on Wednesday 8th November, between 3pm and 7pm at the Cabarfeidh Hotel, Manor Park, Perceval Road, Stornoway, HS1 2EU. 

At the event, SSEN Transmission will be carrying out a third set of public engagements on the proposed Lewis HVDC converter station and substation site, providing an update on the site selection process and confirm the company’s selected site. 

Consultation on the underground cable from the HVDC converter station to Arnish Point will also take place. SSEN Transmission have identified a cable route and are seeking feedback from local stakeholders on the route and any additional external factors that need to be considered. 

Community Liaison Manager, Lisa Marchi, said:
It’s great to see the Western Isles link progressing, after more than a decade of working closely with the local community, customers and stakeholders on this nationally significant project. 

“As planning progresses, we’re now ready to share an update on the selected site for the HVDC Converter Station on Lewis and we’re seeking feedback on the proposed underground cable from the converter station to the landfall site at Arnish Point. 

“We’re looking forward to building on the constructive engagement we have enjoyed with communities and wider stakeholders in the area so far, and we’d encourage anyone with an interest in the project to come along to the event at the Cabarfeidh Hotel on the 8th, to share their views.