SSEN Transmission responds to decision from Highland Council Planning Committee over Fort Augustus to Skye Reinforcement Project


In response to the decision from The Highland Council Planning Committee regarding the Fort Augustus to Skye Reinforcement project, a spokesperson for SSEN Transmission said:

“We are extremely disappointed by the decision from The Highland Council to object to our Fort Augustus to Skye Reinforcement project following the recent submission of additional information, which goes against the recommendation of the Council’s planning officers and the previous decision by the Committee. 

“The existing overhead line was built in the 1950s and is fast reaching the end of its operational life, as demonstrated by two major faults earlier this year which resulted in the temporary loss of power to over 20,000 customers, with its replacement critical to keep the lights on for homes and businesses across Skye and in the Western Isles.  It will also enable the connection of new renewable electricity generation along its route, supporting energy security and climate change targets. 

“We now look forward to the Scottish Government’s timely determination of our Section 37 application and remain committed to work constructively with all stakeholders to deliver this critical national infrastructure, which is essential to keep the lights on and support the transition to net zero.”

To learn more about the project visit: Skye Reinforcement - SSEN Transmission (