SSEN Transmission invites members of the public to view next stage of Melgarve Cluster proposals

  • Public consultation events planned to take place in Laggan and Fort Augustus in February


SSEN Transmission is inviting members of the public to a public consultation ahead of plans to develop a transmission connection for two proposed wind farms at Melgarve, around seven miles from Laggan. 

The project, known collectively as the Melgarve Cluster, is required to connect the proposed Cloiche and Dell wind farms into the existing Melgarve 400/132kV substation to enable electricity from these wind farms to be exported into the SSEN Transmission system.

The connection of Dell and Cloiche wind farms into Melgarve substation were initially proposed to be via two new 132kV single circuit overhead lines but following stakeholder feedback, and due to technical constraints within the existing Stronelairg wind farm, it is now proposed the connections are via a combined solution of underground cable and a new 132kV double circuit steel lattice overhead line. 

Previously, SSEN Transmission had planned to extend Melgarve substation to accommodate a third connection from the previously proposed Glensherro wind farm, however is no longer required as the wind farm is not being taken forwards.  No substation extension is currently required to accommodate the connection of Dell or Cloiche wind farms, however the situation will be reassessed should there be any future requests to connect to the transmission network in the area. 

The public consultation events in February are an opportunity to view the preferred alignment options for connecting Cloiche and Dell wind farm into Melgarve substation, meet the project team and learn more about the plans. 

The in-person events taking place in February will take place on:

  • Wednesday 8 February – Laggan Community Hall, Laggan – 2pm-7pm
  • Thursday 9 February – Fort Augustus Village Hall, Fort Augustus – 2pm-7pm

The events are open-door drop-in sessions for anyone interested in learning more about the proposals.

Derek Hearns, SSEN Transmission Project Manager, said:

“The updated plans for the Melgarve Cluster project will allow us to connect two proposed wind farm developments in the area, Cloiche and Dell wind farms, to the transmission network.  This will allow the transmission of renewable electricity from where it’s generated to where it’s needed, supporting the transition to net zero emissions and the fight against climate change.

“We are committed to working with the local community as we continue to develop our proposals and would encourage anyone who is interested in finding out more to come along to one of our public consultations in Laggan or Fort Augustus later this month.”

To find out more about the project visit: