Eastern Green Link 2 reach preferred bidder status for HVDC cable

The Eastern Green Link 2 (EGL2) project, a joint venture between SSEN Transmission and National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET), has selected the Prysmian Group as preferred bidder for the specialist High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) cable component of EGL2, a critical milestone in the development of this project. 


EGL2 will see the creation of a 2GW subsea transmission link from Peterhead in Scotland to Drax, Yorkshire in England, enabling the transportation of homegrown, low-carbon electricity by addressing existing constraints on the transmission system. This, in turn, will play a critical role in supporting the UK’s future security of supply, reducing dependence and price exposure to volatile global wholesale gas markets. 

In reaching ‘preferred bidder’ status, Prysmian Group has confirmed it has the capability to deliver the project with its manufacturing facilities for the production of the HVDC cable and its cable laying vessels for the installation in the timescale required for EGL2 to meet its targeted energisation date in 2029, supporting the timely delivery of this project and mitigating risks associated with global constraints in the HVDC supply chain.  

Contract negotiations between EGL2 and Prysmian Group will continue with the aim of concluding the contract and reaching ‘Contract Award’ status in a timely manner.

Ricky Saez, EGL2 Project Director, said:

“Reaching preferred bidder status with leading cable provider Prysmian Group is a hugely important step to support the timely delivery of the Eastern Green Link 2 project, particularly given global supply chain constraints in HVDC cabling.

“We now look forward to concluding the terms of this contract, alongside working with our wider supply chain partners to conclude the tender processes for the other key components of the EGL2 project, in advance of progressing our project assessment to determination with Ofgem later this year.”

Sarah Sale, EGL2 Deputy Project Director said:

“This a significant milestone for the project and testament to the hard work of all of those involved in the partnership between National Grid Electricity Transmission, SSEN Transmission and our supply chain partners at Prysmian Group.

“Eastern Green Link 2 will play a major role in getting UK-produced renewable energy from where it is generated to the homes and businesses that need it.

“We look forward to continuing to work in partnership to progress the project, which is part of wider GB programme of investments in new network infrastructure that are needed help the UK meet its net zero and energy security ambitions.”