SSEN Transmission supports STEM challenges across Orkney and Shetland

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Young people from schools across Orkney and Shetland participated in recent STEM Celebration Events organised by SCDI’s Young Engineers and Science Club (YESC).

The Shetland event was delivered through funding from SSEN Transmission and SSE Renewables, and the Orkney event was funded by SSEN Transmission in collaboration with Orbital Marine Power.

The innovative pupils showcased their powerful thinking through a range of different activities, experiments, and research projects that the schools and clubs had been taking part in over the school year.

The events help young people develop valuable skills and knowledge, whilst encouraging involvement in Science Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects and pathways. Members from SSEN Transmission attended the events highlighting the crucial role of transmission networks through fun and engaging challenges, providing an insight into the industry, and demonstrating how transmission plays a part in their community.

Schools received a free STEM Resource kit to take part in the Pylon Challenge to create a model that transferred renewable electricity from an offshore tidal energy turbine to homes across the islands.

One of the SSEN Transmission teams set up an electrical circuit challenge at the Shetland Museum & Archives, where around 85 young people were in attendance to expand their knowledge of STEM. Thea Groat and Lyle Flynn, from SSEN Transmission, supported pupils in the challenge with hopes of providing a deep insight into the wider energy sector and Jared Deeney presented a careers talk highlighting the pathways for school leavers into STEM careers.

Thea Groat, SSEN Transmission Community Liaison Manager said: “SSEN Transmission is proud to have supported the success of the Shetland Celebration of STEM Event at the Shetland Museum and Archives last month. The event welcomed around 85 pupils from both primary and secondary schools across Shetland and it was the perfect opportunity to provide the pupils with an insight into the different career paths available within the STEM industry.

“We would like to say well done again to the winners and to everyone who had taken part in the challenges. SSEN Transmission will continue to work with young people to help inspire and develop the future workforce and provide a pathway for school leavers into the wider energy sector.”

The Orkney event was attended by Jeni Herbert, SSEN Transmission Community Liaison Manager, who was thrilled to be sharing such valuable insights into the world of STEM with over 70 young people who demonstrated much enthusiasm for the challenges. The event aims to inspire the next generation of STEM leaders.

Prize Winners at Orkney STEM Celebration Event

The SSEN Transmission Community Liaison Manager said:

“We were delighted to support the Future of STEM event in Orkney, and were really impressed with the enthusiasm, creativity and teamwork that pupils showed when addressing the STEM challenges presented to them. 

“With so many exciting projects being developed in the area as the country moves towards a Net Zero future, this is an excellent time for young people to engage with science, technology and engineering.”

Learn more about SSEN Transmission’s projects on Shetland and Orkney here